Submitted by Lawrence Cade Just add -DEVMODE to the end of the executable command line if the save command is not working. You may otherwise just type in the command normally each time you want to save. Far Cry 6 Save File Download and InstallHow To Download FreeOpen the link below.Click on 'Free Access with Ads'Complete the following given and Continue. If you can bind the command to an unused key, you will be able to quicksave any time with a press of the button. Just open the console (the ~ or TILDE key) and type save_game. The letters that follow the code will be displayed in the color listed below. Toggles FirstPerson/ThirdPerson Camera ModesĮnter the following color codes when entering a name at the character selection screen. The directory contains nothing else.System:LogToConsole("God-Mode OFF") end end Input:BindCommandToKey("#ToggleGod()","backspace",1) Īfter you save the a file, start a Far Cry game by adding -devmode at the end of the games's executable and you may use the following hotkeys for cheats: They are small in size, less than 100 KB.

The directory in question should be easy to identify by its contents, though.

So this location may vary from person to person or OS to OS. It's worth noting that someone else suggested that /420 was the save location, instead of /856.

Turn off cloud synch in Uplay, Tools (the gear icon in upper left) -> Settings -> Enable Cloud Play Synchronization for supported games. Is there a saved version on the cloud? If so, how do I keep Uplay from connecting and restoring?ĮDIT: Ok, nevermind. I did notice that, when I exit the game, it says something about synching with the cloud. Far cry 4 has been one of the most anticipated games of this year and since its release on 18th November 2014 it has received much acclaim and appraisal for its amazing story, gameplay and graphics but apart from these some users have faced critical issues while playing far cry 4 on their windows pc out of which some common issues are Save game. I played for an hour or so, doing the final mission to take down. How did restore a previous save? I made a copy of the save files in this location and then loaded the game.